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12 Myths About Impotence

Posted by on Wednesday, July 9, 2008, 22:57
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MYTH: ED is normal in older men and should be accepted as a normal part of life.
FACT: ED is a medical problem which have a medical solution.ED should not be accepted as normal by men of any age.As we not accept problems like high blood pressure when we are older, similarly we should also not accept ED. Now Medical science can treat people of any age suffering from ED . The oldest patient that have treated by medical science to date was of age 98.

MYTH: Drugs (Viagra) is the most effective way of treating Erectile Dysfunction.
FACT: Although Drugs are the best known treatment for ED, yet it may not be the most effective. However there are other treatments available for treating ED which have greater efficiency and also are safer as compared to these drugs, as these drugs also have some side effects.

MYTH: Erection problems are not caused due to Premature ejaculation.
FACT: The ejaculation cannot occur if penis isn’t in erection. Without any medical help and treatment for long time, premature ejaculation may eventually develop erection problems as a secondary disease, It has been found that many patients suffering from premature ejaculation ultimately leads to erection problems. That is why it is one of the reasons for erection problems and should be treated immediately.

MYTH: Herbal products can treat ED. These herbals products are easily available in market.
FACT: No known herbal product has been found which consistently proven to be effective in treating ED. That’s why to save people from these herbal products, FDA comes in action. In a recent alert, the FDA discouraged the use of these products and stated: “Theses products have not been approved by FDA, and there is no guarantee of their safety and effectiveness, or of the purity of their ingredients”.

MYTH: Before going for treatment of ED, one has to consult the physician many times.
FACT: In most cases, only one consultation is required before you go for your treatment. But consultation is required, So that a comprehensive approach can be undertaken to treat ED and successful outcome is guaranteed.

MYTH: One has to take medication for the rest of life in order to get an erection.
FACT: It is an observable fact that many of patients suffering from ED have reported they no longer need treatments to perform erection or sexual activity. It has been found that the extent and duration of ED is inversely proportional to the chance of improvement. So it’s not true that one has to take medication for his entire life in order to get an erection.

MYTH: If Generic drugs can not treat a man suffering from ED, then he can not be treated at all.
FACT: This is not necessarily true. There are also some other methods that are available now that can help in treating impotence. These methods are safe and effective but should be recommended and/or administered by certified doctors. Some popular method for treating impotence these days is impotence injections, or surgery.

MYTH: Smoking Tobacco, alcohol or illicit drug do not cause ED.
FACT: Medical research has proven that smoking, Tobacco, alcohol or illicit drug does cause impotence. Use of thee things, decreases the blood flow into the penis. Nicotine, the chemical that makes smoking addictive, restricts the flood of blood into the penis by blocking key arteries. Aside from blocking the arteries, nicotine also impairs the valve mechanisms that store blood within the penis, and causes ED.

MYTH: Only men are affected from ED.
FACT: Both partners can suffer if impotence goes untreated. Failure to acknowledge and treat the problem can lead to depression, anxiety and lack of self-esteem for both partners.

MYTH: A man suffering from ED is not able to become father of a child.
FACT: An infertile man does not produce enough sperm to father a child. A man suffering from ED can be fertile. Being impotent does not mean that, you are sterile and cannot have children.

MYTH: Impotence in incurable.
FACT: In majority of individuals, impotence can be easily treated with the help of Medicines.

MYTH: Young men do not experience impotence.
FACT: This is completely false. In fact, it is said that one out of 10 men over the age of 21 are bound to encounter erectile dysfunction. The causes of these cases are more likely due to the mental health of the patient rather than his physical well-being.