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Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Devastates Sex Life

Posted by on Wednesday, July 15, 2009, 6:40
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Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Devastates Sex LifeBenign Prostatic Hyperplasic (BPH) is one of the issues of concern as it devastates the sex life completely. It has become a sex issue of concern as 30% of the men worldwide suffer with it. BPH is caused by the enlargement in the prostate. During BPH, large nodules are formed in the periurethral region of the prostate. These nodules are developed due to the hyperplasia of prostatic stromal and epithelial cells. Once the man suffers with the BPH the chances of the suffering with the erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation are increased by double. BPH has become the every man’s nightmare because along with it many other health problems arise. Prostate gland present in the men produces the seminal fluid that mixes with the sperm and acts as the transferring medium.

The BPH shows the symptoms like pain during urination, leakage of urine, increase frequency of urination, and pain in bladder. If you notice any of these symptoms then please consult your doctor immediately otherwise the problem may grow and result in the serious sex issue. It has been noted that men suffering with the BPH found it difficult during sex as they either feel the pain or feel like urinate during the sex. This makes them the incompatible partner in the sexual activity. Men suffer with the BPH also due to some other abnormal health conditions like diabetes, blood pressure, or heart problems. Still the link between these diseases is not clear, but it is sure that these diseases directly or indirectly contribute towards the occurrence of the BPH.

Erectile dysfunction is found to be very common among the BPH patients. As the men suffers with the BPH the blood supply to the male reproductive organ is disturbed. This happens due the swelling of the prostrate, which makes the surrounding arteries to compress. Thus, the inadequate blood supply to the penile region results in the failure in erection during the sexual activity. If you get the erection it gets soft in between the love-making sessions making the condition more frustrating. Erectile dysfunction and BPH are linked. BPH causes erectile dysfunction. BPH also makes the nerves in the penile region too much rigid, which ultimately gets damaged leading to the impotence problem. Also, the sexual stamina of the person suffering with the BPH is considerably reduced.

BPH patients are found to suffering with the premature ejaculation very commonly. About 25% of the BPH patients suffer with the premature ejaculation. The nerves in the penile region are damaged due the swelling around the prostate. This affects the ejaculation method. The nerve fails to control the ejaculation; this makes the ejaculation to occur very quickly resulting in the failure to sustain the ejaculation. Prostate also plays a very significant role in controlling the ejaculation of the seminal fluid as well as urination mechanism. The malfunctioning of the prostate affects the functioning of the male reproductive system resulting in the premature ejaculation.

Infertility is on rise and one of the reasons behind it has been noted to be BPH. The seminal fluid prepared by the BPH acts as the medium for the transfer of the sperms from man to woman. But, as the prostate functioning is disturbed the production of the seminal fluid in completely stopped. Thus, during the penetrative sex even the sperms are not transferred from the male to female partner. Thus, make the male partner sterile. The best thing to avoid all these sex issues is to take the good care of the prostate. The most important thing here is that you must never mess with your urination mechanism because many a times holding a urine for long time is supposed to be the major cause of the BPH.