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Causes of Infertility in Men

Posted by on Thursday, September 10, 2009, 5:47
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causes-low-fertility-in-menThe main causes of the infertility in the men are low sperm count and scarcity of mature sperms. The infertility in men is on the rise, every year about 5% rise is being noted. Due to the infertility problem many of the men have even attempted suicide. Problem of infertility is getting severe day by day. Men are really embarrassed due to this problem. The main thing about infertility is to treat infertility is not so easy. Various people claim of treating infertility, but the success rate is very low. Here are some other factors that disturb the fertility in the men.

Diabetes: It is the major cause of the increasing infertility rates in men. It has been observed that about 31% of the men suffering with the diabetes face the problem of the infertility. The excessive amount of the sugar destructs the production of the sperms leading to low sperm count. This ultimately results in the infertility.

Physical Damage to Male Reproductive System: Physical damage to the male reproductive system damages the nerves and arteries in the penis that results in the permanent failure to produce the offspring (The website erectiletablet.com is copying the articles without our permission. This article is the copyright property of pharmaexpressrx.com/blog). The damage to the testis or any other parts of the male reproductive system makes the man infertile. The infertility caused by the physical damage is generally irreversible.

Blood Pressure: Due the blood pressure problems, you blood flow in the body is destructed. The nutrient supply takes place through the blood. But as the blood supply is disturbed even the nutrient supply is disturbed. This way the insufficient amounts of the nutrient reach to the sperm production unit. The sperm produced are not healthy. This results into the immature sperms and the person suffers with infertility.

Cardiovascular Health Problems: Cardiovascular health problems and infertility are linked together. If your heart is healthy your overall health status is good. But, if you are suffering with the cardiovascular health problems then the working of the male reproductive system is not proper as the blood supply is improper. In fact I would say that cardiovascular health problem is the warning sign that indicated abnormality in the reproductive system.

Obesity: The excessive weight gain habit if not controlled leads to the obesity. The infertility in men is related to the obesity. Many obese men are suffering with the infertility issues. The sperm production in these men is being adversely affected due to the excessive amounts of the fats in the body. Excessive weight gain also makes you physically incapable to enjoy the sexual pleasure.

Erectile dysfunction: Erectile dysfunction is the abnormal functioning of the male reproductive organ during which men fail to attain the erection or sustain the erection. In this condition the blood supply is irregular that also affects the sperm production. Infertility is also caused in this case due the failure to have the sexual intercourse along with the inferior sperm quality.

Sleep Apnea: The person when unable to sleep well is said to be suffering with the sleep apnea. Sleep is necessary element in our day-to-day life as it helps all the body functions to perform accurately. If you don’t sleep well then even your male reproductive doesn’t works well and the production of the sperms is affected badly. As a result you face the problem of the infertility.

Premature Ejaculation: Premature ejaculation is the sexual health problem faced by the men. In this disorder men are not able to control the ejaculation during the sexual activity. They ejaculate too quickly. This way the sperms are lost even before the sexual intercourse begins. This way the chances of suffering with the infertility are increased due the premature ejaculation.

Hormonal Imbalance: Hormonal imbalance occurs when the amount of the testosterone in the body is low. The sperm production in the men is dependent on the testosterone amount in the body. Testosterone acts as the important nutrient supplier in the sperm production. If any of the androgen levels in the body are fluctuated then it may result into the hormonal imbalance.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Sexually transmitted disease has resulted into the fertility problems in some men. This was due the excessive spread of the infection over the reproductive organ. Sexually transmitted diseases are any type of the infections that are caused by the microorganisms. Majority of these infections are caused by the bacteria. You must maintain the sexual health at the optimum best to stay away from the sexually transmitted diseases.