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Do Yoga for Overall Health

Posted by on Thursday, January 28, 2010, 3:29
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Yoga is the oldest method to acquire the health. Yoga not only gifts you with the overall body fitness but also maintains your health at the optimum best. Yoga techniques are so perfect that they initially remove all your body abnormalities and improve your resistance power, so you remain away from the diseases. Yoga is a guaranteed fitness mantra as whoever has used it is living a healthy and happy life. Yoga stimulates the physical health and also improves your mental health. Depression and tensions can be overcome with the help of the Yoga techniques.

Yoga done regularly promotes the health naturally without any drawbacks. Yoga is the medicine to all the human ailments. Yoga makes your life peaceful and makes you enjoy the feeling of the spiritual happiness. Yoga also helps you maintain your weight constant that safeguards yourself from the obesity. Yoga is found to beneficial in improving the overall body functioning. Instead of going to the gymnasium, I would rather suggest everyone to practice yoga because it is easy to do and great in results. Go through the below mentioned Yoga techniques that will help you improve your health.

1. Pranayama

Pranayama is the easiest posture of the Yoga. In this posture you only learn is to control your breathing. At the first step you need to sit calm and then take the air through one nostril, close both the nostrils for 5 to 10 seconds and then blow out the air through another nostril. You need to do the same procedure with both the nostrils. This posture helps you to breathing problems, promotes proper digestion, treats asthma, etc.

2. Surya Namaskaram

Surya Namaskaram as the name suggests is the asana for lord Surya. The term Surya Namaskaram means a salutation to Sun. It is an entire body workout which tones up the digestive system, improves blood circulation, treat constipation and dyspepsia. Additionally it also increases the oxygen content in the body. This posture is also found to be very useful in increasing the sexual stamina. Premature ejaculation and Impotence can be treated by Surya Namaskaram. This posture is just like the dips but to learn it you need to follow the diagram mentioned above. Follow the sequence mentioned in the diagram.

3. Shavasana

Shavasana is the yoga technique used to reduce the stress and tensions. The best thing about this asana is you can practice this asana anytime in a day. Shavasana is a very efficient treatment to treat sleep Apnea. This asana includes the sleeping posture. You only need to sleep on your back and stretch your hands and legs gently.

4. Padmasana

Padmasana means the lotus posture. In this posture you need to sit with the crossed leg and then breathe in a relaxed manner. Try to maintain your breathing and sit this way for at least 5 minutes. This asana is very good to improve your memory, increase immune power, improve blood circulation, and strengthens your legs muscles.

5. Bhujangasana

Bhujangasana is basically a posture from the hatha yoga (branch of Yoga). The etymology of the namae Bhujangasana is bhujanga means serpent and asana means pose. As this asana is like serpent hence called as Bhujangasana. For this asana you need to sleep on your stomach, keep you hand sideways palms facing the ground and then you should slightly lift your body upward. This asana promotes digestion and best technique to cure the back pain. Bhujangasana also increases the resistance power.

6. Navasana

Navasana is a bit difficult pose to learn, but after the regular practice you would be able to do it perfectly. This pose is found to very beneficial to overcome the stomach disorders. Navasana helps to improve the sperm quality and increase the sperm count. Navasana helps to improve your sexual stamina and helps you to hold the erection for long time during the sexual intercourse. For this asana first sit down then stretch your legs and uplift them to 45% angle and remain in this position as long as you can. Then slowly get the legs down and again practice the same thing. This asana looks like the boat so called as boat posture.

7. Sarvangasana

As the name suggests this asana is the entire body workout technique of Yoga. Sarvangasana is performed by first lying on back with hands under the mid-back, then lifting the legs, and lower body so that the body weight is supported on the head, body, neck, and arms. Please note that this pose requires a lot of practice and hard work to be learned. Note that this pose can be tried only in the presence of the professional yoga teacher. This pose benefits by strengthening all body muscles, treats high blood pressure; reduces menstruation pain in women; cures arthritis and thyroid disorders.

8. Tadasana

Tadasana is the standing posture of the yoga asanas. It is practiced by standing straight while maintaining all your weight on the toes, then stretching out slightly and again coming to the normal position. In the second step of Tadasana bend slightly with knees, rotate the thighs slightly, and then again get straight. This asana is very beneficial for the thighs strengthening, relieves back pain, and increase stamina.

9. Vrksasana

Vrkasana is the very good posture to tone leg muscles, enhance stamina, and improve concentration. Vrkasana is also found to be beneficial in increasing sexual appetite. It has been observed the men who practice Vrkasana regularly have a very good sexual health. If you want to treat the erectile dysfunction or impotence then you should start practicing Vrkasana regularly. To do Vrkasana you should first stand straight, then uplift your one leg, bend it, and rest the feet on other leg. Then move your hand upwards and join both the palms. This asana is often termed as Tree pose of Yoga.

10. Shalabasana

Shalabasana is the yoga technique used to cure all the digestive problems. This technique practiced for a month improves your digestive power and improves the flexibility of back muscles. Lower back pain is treated by this asana. It also strengthens the arms and shoulders. Practicing Shalabasana is a very easy task. Just sleep on your stomach and using hands as pillow under head or keeping them sideways you need to lift your legs upright.

Start doing the Yoga regularly if you want to maintain the good health throughout the lifespan.