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Excessive Exposure to Porn May Lead to Impotence

Posted by on Monday, June 8, 2009, 1:53
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watching-porn_682_769116aWatching too much of porn can deteriorate your sex drive and make you impotent, as per the latest study. In this study, 412 men who watch porn regularly were included. These men were asked questions about their sexual life and 68% of these men reported the sexual health problems. This study cleared that watching porn is not good for the sexual health. Impotence is found to be triggered in the men who watch porn regularly. Sex is a physical act, but it is guided by the brain. You must have heard everything is in the brain; the same is the case with the sex. Watching porn affects the system in the brain that reacts to the sexual stimulation, thus the signals from the brain become weak resulting in the impotence.

Porn watching makes you addicted to it and this way you destruct your lifestyle. Because of the excessive porn exposure men starts masturbating too much which results in the loss of the mature sperms. This way the man becomes impotent and thus is unable to grow his progeny through the sexual copulation. Even the manufacturing of the sperms is affected by the excessive exposure to porn. This way the sperm quality is affected a lot. Thus, a person should stay away from the porn to stay potent. Otherwise porn instead of making the sex life enjoyable devastates it completely. Porn affects the person psychologically and thus he is unable to perform perfectly during the sexual act.

Men watching too much porn usually end up too early in the bed instead of lasting longer like the porn stars, this is because they feels too much stimulated by the imagining the porn moves that they have watched. This makes them suffer with the premature ejaculation thus making them unable to perform for the long time during the sexual sessions. Watching porn too much results in the loosening of the nerves that controls the ejaculation process, thus the men ejaculate too quickly during the sexual activity. This was proved through the study and when these men stopped watching porn then they were able to hold the ejaculation for more time during the sexual activity. This proved that porn certainly has devastating effects on the sex life of the person.

Watching porn on daily basis also gives rise to the erection failures during the sex. Men who watch too much porn generally suffer with the erectile dysfunction. You must be thinking what am I saying, but guys believe me it is true. Because of the excessive porn watching your penile muscles gets loose and thus you fail to get the erection or if at all you get, it is soft thus you fail to have the penetrative sex. Erectile dysfunction is found in nearly 60% of the men who watch porn regularly. The sexual health entirely is found to be devastated by excessive exposure to porn. Suppose if your wife even comes to know that you are watching porn regularly then even she may not like it and the problems in your relationship will occur.

This article is not anti-porn. Because nobody can give watching porn completely, whether a young boy or 70-year oldie, both enjoy the porn a lot. I would only like to add here that watching excessive porn is not good for health. Watching porn once in a while is really good and helps you increase the sexual power. But, please avoid getting addicted to it because this is what damages your sex life. You can even convince your partner for watching the porn once in while, women are no different than men, but they don’t like to watch hard core porn. So, there is no harm in watching porn once in a while but if you watch it is excess then be ready to suffer its adverse effects. Thus, avoid excessive exposure to porn to prevent impotence problems.