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Foods to Improve Men’s Fertility

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Posted by on Thursday, August 20, 2009, 5:34
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Men’s fertility is becoming an issue of concern day-by-day as a tremendous decrease is observed in the fertility rate of men. Fertility in the men is decreased a lot in last decade. Previously only 7% men worldwide were found to be infertile or incapable to produce the offspring, but as per the last years survey about 28% of the men are noted to be infertile. This is mainly because of the problems like , premature ejaculation, scarcity of mature sperms, and low sperm counts. All these sexual health problems arise mainly due to the unhealthy lifestyle that we are following. But, nature has provided us with all the solutions for your health problems. So, here are some foods that will help the men to increase their fertility level—food-mens-fertility

1. Oysters

Oysters are the rich source of the zinc that helps to improve the sperm quality. Testosterone levels in the person are boosted by the intake of the oysters. Sperm production in the body is promoted by the zinc content in the oysters. So, try to include oysters in your daily diet if you facing the infertility problem.

2. Bananas

Banana resembles the shape of the penis. So, they help a lot to promote the health of the male reproductive system. The person who eats one banana a day is found to have the best sexual health. Bananas are the rich source of iron and magnesium that helps to improve the penile functioning and regulates the proper blood supply in the penis during the sexual activity.

3. Broccoli

Broccoli is the rich source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, potassium, and a phytochemical called sulphoraphane. These all in combination are found to enhance the sexual stamina of the person. It is cruciferous vegetable that has been used through the ancient times to enhance the sex life of individual. If you include Broccoli in your daily diet you will notice a superb change in your sperm quantity while ejaculation.

4. Whole Grains

Whole grains provide fiber, vitamins, and minerals in the adequate amount that helps to maintain the overall health of the individual at the best. Whole grains should be included in adequate amount in the teens as they help in the development of the sex organs and growth of secondary sexual characters. Regular intake of grains will help to stay fertile throughout your life.

5. Celery

Celery is the vegetable that helps to improve the hormone levels in the body. It t contains the natural hormone “androsterone” that helps to boost the testosterone levels in the body. It’s full of fiber, iron, vitamins A, B, and C, zinc, and potassium, an all around formula for improved sexual stamina.

6. Dark Meat

This is the non-vegetarian food item that is very useful to improve men’s fertility. It provides the adequate amount of the proteins in the body that makes your semen thick. Even the quality of the sperms is improved a lot due to the intake of the dark. But, please keep the intake of dark meat in control otherwise it may lead to adverse effects.

7. Lentils

Lentils are of great help to enhance the sex life. You would be surprised to know that if you eat the lentils daily then you would be able to improve your sperm count considerably. Even the growth of the secondary sexual characters can be boosted by the help of the lentils.

8. Sea Weed

Sea weeds help you to improve the sexual stamina. You will be lasting for much more time with the help of the sea weeds. That’s why they are even named as the “Sex Weeds”. They are rich in protein content along with the vitamins and minerals that will help you a lot to stay away from the diseases like premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

So, don’t get disheartened if you are facing the infertility problems. Include the above mentioned food items and you would be able to improve your fertility level within a month.