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Hypertension and ED

Posted by on Thursday, August 28, 2008, 1:53
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erectile-dysfunctionHypertension is defined as the excessive tension faced by the human beings. The latest survey conducted by the American Society for Hypertension Treatment has concluded that 25 million men in the United States are suffering from the hypertension. The research workers also claimed that 67-70% men having hypertension are suffering from erectile dysfunction. The inability in the men to get the erection or to sustain the erection for sufficient time during the sexual intercourse is called as erectile dysfunction. It was also observed that men suffering from erectile dysfunction usually have hypertension.

To know the relation between erectile dysfunction and hypertension a survey was conducted. In the first step of the survey the men suffering from the hypertension were put for the questionnaire regarding their sexual life. About 70% men suffering from the erectile dysfunction were having the problems with the erection. Nearly 30% men were not able to get the proper erection and 40% men were not able to hold the erection for the sufficient amount of time.

In the second step, men suffering from the erectile dysfunction were put for the questionnaire. It was surprising that hypertension was found to be the reason for the erectile dysfunction in 27% men. Thus, it was clear from the survey that erectile dysfunction and hypertension are interrelated with each other. It was also observed that erectile dysfunction was more prominent among the old men suffering from the hypertension

Hypertension is caused by many reasons like hectic life style, pressures to perform on your job, diabetics, blood pressure, etc. Because of the hypertension your brain feels tired and you don’t get the desire for the sex. Thus, you are not able to get the erection. Thiazide diuretic and beta-blocker therapy are the treatments that are suggested if you are suffering from hypertension. These treatments lead to the erectile dysfunction. Hypertension may lead to the atherosclerosis. The arteries may get hard or the plaque may get deposited in them during the atherosclerosis. Thus the less amount of blood is supplied to the penis during the sexual intercourse and the men suffer with the erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction sometimes leads to the hypertension because men suffer from the tension when they are not able to perform in the bed. When this tension grows it finally leads to the hypertension. High blood pressure is caused due to the hypertension in some cases. High blood pressure also leads to erectile dysfunction. When a person suffers from hypertension and erectile dysfunction both the risk of cardiovascular disease is very high in that person. Thus, it is also said that the erectile dysfunction is alarming bell for the heart diseases. It is proved that because of the hypertension the flow of blood inside the body is affected. Thus, the blood flow to the penile region is also affected. As a result the erectile dysfunction is observed among the men with high blood pressure.

The drugs like Kamagra, Caverta, Zenegra, etc are found to be effective in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men suffering from hypertension. These drugs work as the phosphodiesterase inhibitors and thus treat the erectile dysfunction in the men having hypertension. But, please take the doctors advice regarding the dosage of these drugs.