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Obesity Harms Male Sexuality

Posted by on Friday, July 18, 2008, 2:05
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male sexualityObesity is a disease in which excess body fat gets accumulated in the body. Obese men get lazy, walk less, see more of TV, and spend lots of their time being inactive. Inactivity invites more unhealthy weight to the body and makes the person obese. Obesity is categorized in two groups. First group is of those men who are obese from birth. Second group consists of men who had become obese because of inactivity. Obese men are much more likely to report poor sex lives.

Obese men are not different than normal men, but they fail to perform in bed because of their unmanageable weight. Sexual performance of obese men is not as good as the normal men, so this endangers their personal relationship. Poor sexual performance throughout make their partners to avoid them and this leads to reduce the sexual desires in obese men.

Obesity is the base of all the human ailments. Obese men also suffer from lack of confidence which decreases their sexual desires. Obese men are likely to suffer from the heart problems, diabetes, and certain types of cancer which makes them prone to premature ejaculation. An obese is at a risk of blood vessel blockage which causes erectile dysfunction.

The study was conducted to check the sexual characteristics of the obese men. One thousand two hundred ten people from the Durham, North Carolina were surveyed. Two hundred eighty-two out of 1,210 were obese. From 282 obese men more than half felt no desire for sex. Four out of every 10 reported physical problems with sex. Only one percent obese men were happy with their sex life. So, the study provided the conclusion that the obesity hampers the male sexuality.

The research workers said that there is no need to worry because obesity can be cured by undergoing easy medication, and obese men can also lead a healthy and good sex life. They also mentioned some points through which you can overcome obesity and enhance your sexual performance which are given as follows:

  • Avoid the food in your diet which makes you fat.
  • Indulge yourself more in exercise and outdoor activities.
  • Talk to your partner about your performance problem and work out a plan together.
  • Find out simpler ways to make love. Position yourself in such a way that your partner doesn’t feel suffocated.
  • Look at options like Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra if you are suffering from erectile dysfunction.

Finally, prevention is better than cure. Hence, obesity can also be avoided by being active, consuming balanced diet, and regular exercising.