Tuesday, February 25, 2025 10:19

Perfect Attire for Men to Wear on Date

Posted by on Wednesday, November 25, 2009, 21:55
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First impression is last impression. The way you represent yourself on a date would be your impression on your ladylove for the whole life. So, remember there is great importance for wearing the proper attire on the date. Women are generally very good in the dressing sense and they took a date as the special day. This is why they dress so perfectly on the day of date. But, on other hand men are totally unaware of the style and fashion segment. They take the date as just the normal day of there life and they wear that kind of clothing. Certainly that date ends to the last date with that particular lady. What you wear matters a lot on the date. It shows that what kind of the person you are, so men must be cautious and think about what to wear on the date. For your help I am mentioning here some tips that will help you to choose the perfect attire to wear on date.

The first important thing while dressing for the date would be to think that what she would like you to wear. If it is a blind date then I would rather ask the man to dress very much formally and like a gentleman. If you know the lady you are going for a date with then certainly you would know that what she would like you to wear. Most importantly dress like a man. Wearing the combination of the dark pant and fait shirt with the typical suit will surely help you to create a good impression. Women like the gentleman. So, just think from that point of view and you would be able to achieve the expectations.

Color of the dress you are going to wear on a date matters a lot. I would advice here to avoid wearing the dull colors. Wear the bright color that flatters your personality. Remember that women think a lot about what color you are wearing. For men I would suggest to avoid wearing the red shirt. Also, dark yellow or fluorescent color must be avoided. Faint color shirts look great along with the dark colored trousers. You can also opt for the dark colored shirts, but be sure that particular dark color looks good on you or not. You can match dark colored shirt with the faint colored trousers. This combination is bit risky because it may turn out to be the shady, so I would rather ask you go for the faint shirt with the dark colored trousers.

Never wear jeans when you are going for the date. Men have the tendency to wear jeans on nearly all the occasions. But for a date jeans is strictly no-no. Some men even flaunt a T-shirt while going for a date. This is again a big mistake. Remember being in a formal shirt is okay, but T-shirt will surely put your impression completely down.

Now I will move towards the shoes. Please prefer wearing the dark colored shoes, specifically black or brown. No sport shoes please. Make it a point to polish the shoes before you go on for a date. Women always think of men from the way they keep their shoes, clean or dirty. Wear the same color socks that match your trousers color. Wearing white socks below the dark trousers will put your impression down. You need to pay attention towards each and every thing minutely because women notice them.

Wear the clothes that fits you perfectly, don’t wear too lose or too tight clothes because this will not make you look good. Perfect fitting clothes will always help you carry them better and you would be looking really fine in those. Never experiment while dressing for a date. So, just be normal, truthful, and be optimistic I assure you that the girl would be yours.