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Premature Ejaculation Causes

Posted by on Monday, April 13, 2009, 22:22
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premature-ejaculation-causesPremature ejaculation is the condition faced by the men when they lose the control of the semen ejaculation. This condition means men ejaculate too quickly even before their partner is aroused. Premature ejaculation is the consistent failure of the men to control the ejaculation. Men suffering with the premature ejaculation generally ejaculate in about 1 to 2 minutes, which is very less time in comparison to the normal man ejaculation time. Premature ejaculation is one of the main causes of the unsatisfactory sex life. Men who suffer with premature ejaculation are not able to satisfy their ladylove during the sex as they exhaust even before she is aroused.

Premature ejaculation makes the men lose their self-esteem and confidence and finally these men refrain from any sexual activity. This tends to affect their relationship with the partner and sometimes situation may even become more difficult and lead to the divorce. So, for your help I am giving you the information about the causes and symptoms of premature ejaculation:

Premature ejaculation causes

1. Anxiety is the major cause of the premature ejaculation. More than 50% of the cases of the premature ejaculation are observed due to the anxiety. When a person feels anxious he loses the controls over his ejaculatory system and fails to controls his ejaculation. Due to the anxiety the veins that which controls the ejaculation of sperms fail to do it work and as a result of which the premature ejaculation occurs.

2. Depression is another factor that may lead to the premature ejaculation. Depression affects the nervous system which damages the nerve signaling that controls the ejaculation and leads the quick ejaculation of seminal fluid.

3. Stress and Tensions also lead to the premature ejaculation. When men get too much stressed out they are not at able to perform well during the sex.

4. Diabetes causes premature ejaculation. When a man suffers with the diabetes his sugar level in the blood increases, which leads to loosening of the arteries and veins in the penis, finally leading to the quick ejaculation during the sexual activity.

5. Physical injury to the penis may also lead to the premature ejaculation. The 90% men who have some injuries to the penis suffer with the premature ejaculation.

6. Nervousness or lack of confidence may also lead to the premature ejaculation. This type of premature ejaculation is preferably observed among the newly married men.

7. Sometimes premature ejaculation is also observed due to the extreme arousal, which means too much stimulation of the penis.

8. Under active thyroid gland or low concentration of the testosterone in the body may also lead to the premature ejaculation.

9. Multiple sclerosis also causes the premature ejaculation in many of the cases. Patient of the multiple sclerosis often suffer with the premature ejaculation.

10. Old age is also the factor sometimes to be found responsible for the premature ejaculation.

12. Inflammation and infection of the prostate or urethra may also lead to the premature ejaculation in men.

13. Many a times smoking or excessive intake of alcohol may cause the premature ejaculation problems in men. Recent study has proved the facts that nicotine and alcohol causes the premature ejaculation.

14. Anger is also supposed to be one of the causes of premature ejaculation. The men who get angry too quickly many times suffer with the ejaculating too faster.

15. Wearing too tight underwear is also a cause of premature ejaculation. Tight underwear put too much stress on the penile muscles due to which they lose their sensory functions and lead to the premature ejaculation.

Guys the problem of the premature ejaculation is bit serious because it devastates your sex life completely. If you are facing premature ejaculation then visit the doctor as soon as possible and get the medicines to cure it.