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Relationship Do’s and Don’ts

Posted by on Friday, September 4, 2009, 4:25
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Relationship are the easy to start and difficult to maintain. Whether it is any relationship, you need to put in some efforts to keep them long-lasting. A relationship doesn’t grow if you don’t give an attention to it. Remember that every relationship should be treated as a special at least during the initial stages. Divide your relationship in different sectors like special, normal, and not important. This will help you to determine that how much efforts you should take to maintain which relationship.

So, here I am mentioning few relationship do’s and don’ts that would be of great help to you to strengthen your relationship and make them imperishable.

Relationship Do’s

1. Be truthful. This is the most important point in any relationship. No relationship can stay longer with the lies. So, whichever relationship you make, be truthful in them.

2. Create a trust. Trust plays a significant role in development of strong relationship. Do develop a trust is an important part of the relationship. Until both the partners don’t trust, no relationship can persist.

3. Give a helping hand when in need. Help is of great help to stabilize the relationship. Once you start helping your partner, he will feel special about you and this way your relationship will be long-lasting.

4. Be yourself. Don’t try to show anything else than what you are. This will not all help you but will surely get you in problem one day. Don’t play two characters, be original. Never try to be the person who the other person likes because this may not only affect you adversely, but once your true sides come, it will break your relationship permanently.

5. Love is the base of every relationship. Show your love to the person in the relationship and he/she will surely shower love as a response. True love never goes in vein, so keep patience and one day you would be rewarded. So, show love.

6. Honesty is important in relationship. You need to be honest to your partner, otherwise you have to suffer loses. Many relationships are broken because of the dishonesty, so be honest and make your relationship

7. Care for the partner. Remember to show that you care for him/her. This is a very important part of the any relationship. When you show care, you get in return the care. So, be chivalrous and show your care for her/him. I am sure your relationship will be going great guns.

8. Respect is most essential in the relationship. You need to respect the other person in the relationship to make the relationship persistent.

9. Give independence in the relationship. This will help both of you to be comfortable in the relationship and no burden of the relationship would be felt.

10. Learn to accept your mistake and say sorry. This will strengthen the relationship more and you may build a very much trustworthy and strong relationship with the person.

Relationship Don’ts

1. Avoid dominance. Never ever show your dominance in the relationship. This may break your relationship permanently. Nobody likes to be dominated so you need to keep away from the dominance in order to survive your relationship.

2. Don’t lie to your partner. Never ever distrust another person in your relationship this will no way going to help you to cherish the relationship for long time.

3. Never give the opinions when not needed. You need to give the helping hand, but never ever try to give the opinion unless asked. Many times people don’t want opinions, but we still give them and thus we make fool of ourselves and create problems in relationships.

4. Always pointing out the mistake is not good. Don’t pinpoint the mistakes always; you should learn to neglect some of them if you want to stay in a long time relationship with him or her.

5. Jealously is the main cause of the relationship problems. Don’t be jealous, this will let you in whole lot of mess. Believe in your partner and this will build the trust and avoid jealousy.

6. Don’t always argue. Arguments should not be done because they led you nowhere. Instead of arguments, sit and discuss the problem calmly. This will help you to get over all the problems in the relationships.

7. Avoid making sarcastic comments, this may end your relationship instantly. Even the other people who must have heard your comments will also keep away from you.

8. Never make unconditional promises. This way you fail to bring them in truth and lose the respect. So, the best way would be to stay practical.

9. Avoid possessiveness, because this may make your partner feel that you are trying to show your power on him or trying to make his isolated.

10. Keep away from dishonesty, pride, hate, faultfinding, envy, gossip, disrespect, lies, unforgiving, impatience, discouragement, and selfishness. It you stay away from all these bad qualities to make your relationship strong.

These are the do’s and don’ts of the relationship that everybody should remember while making any relationship.