Tuesday, February 25, 2025 16:32

STDs Prevention Methods

Posted by on Monday, June 1, 2009, 1:43
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STD-prevetion-copySexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are most widely spread all over the world because of the negligence and impromptu safety measures followed during the sex. STDs are spread through the sexual contact including oral sex, vaginal intercourse, and anal sex. STDs before 25 years were nearly observed in very rare cases, but today due to the open sex phenomena established by many societies. The occurrence of the STDs is increased on large scale. Largest numbers of the STD victims are the teenagers who are very much attracted towards the sex and thus, get involved in it without any protection. Even among the mature men the occurrence of the STDs is bit common because of the sex with the multiple partners. Some deaths are also being noted because of the STDs. It is very necessary that everybody should take necessary precautions to safeguard us from the STDs. So, here are some STDs prevention methods—

1. Avoid unprotected sex. Unprotected sex is the first primitive cause of the STDs. To prevent STDs one should avoid the unprotected sex. Sex is the like an addiction and once you get addicted to it then it becomes a habit. So, keep your sexual necessities in control. This will keep you away from the unprotected sex. Thus, you would be safeguarded from STDs.

2. Never indulge in sex with multiple partners. Sex is a private matter of pleasure. So, enjoy it only with one partner. Sex with Multiple partners is great sexual fantasy, but it may end up with a serious sexual infection that may devastate your sex like completely and may be permanently. Maximum cases of STDs are noted due to the sex with the multiple partners. During this type of sex, you really don’t get to think more and protect yourself. So, the best thing would be to avoid the sex with the multiple partners.

3. Use Condoms during the sexual act, if you are not sure about health of the person you are going to have sex with. Some men feel problem in enjoying the pleasure, when they wear a condom. So in such cases, there are female condoms available in the market. Condoms are also of great use in preventing the unwanted pregnancy.

4. Maintain intimate hygiene. Intimate hygiene is of great importance to stay away from the infections on the sexual organs. Sexual infections are found to develop considerably due to the non-hygienic conditions. Wash the intimate parts regularly, and with the soft conditioning soaps to avoid any rashes or soars on the intimate parts. Wear the loose inner garments so that it provides a proper aeration to the intimate parts and thus it may reduce the chances of the infections through the microorganisms.

5. Masturbation is a best technique to keep away from the sex if your partner is suffering with the STDs. Both the partners can help each other to reach the fantastic orgasm, but please do take proper care to that you both are in better control and avoiding touching the infected parts with the partners body. So, this could help your partner to stay from the infection that you are suffering with.

6. Vaginal Spermicides, Sponges, and Diaphragms. Vaginal spermicides can very helpful to provide the protection against the certain bacterial infections. Women need to keep the spermicidal tablet or powder in the vaginal cavity before the sexual activity. So, that it prevents them from the suffering from the infections that there sexual partner is having.  Vaginal sponge also works great to safeguard from the STDs, but again they are specific to some kind of infections. Even diaphragms are very much useful to protect you from the STDs.

So, please from the next time use these prevention methods to safeguard from the STDs.